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Thanks for your interest in adding your sites to the Gay Porn Links search engine. There are a few steps you should take before you can add sites into our directory. The first step is to find the location that best fits your site. We are very picky around here about making sure that sites go exactly where they are supposed to. That is why you can't actually add sites into all the levels of the directory. If you don't see the add a link button when you are browsing the directory, then that means you need to drill down deeper into the category. You'll soon get to a section of the site that has links in it. At the top of that section you will see a bar similar to this:


Now just click on "Add A Link". The system will ask you to login or give you the option to create a login if you are new. After you login, you will be all ready to submit your site to Gay Porn Links. Now that you have a login, you will be able to modify your links so that you can change descriptions, repair URLS if you move hosts, and more. We look forward to seeing your link!

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